LZ Special: Food Trends

Is anyone interested in food trends at all right now? Isn't everything just about price right now? Your innovations provide evidence to the contrary. After all, innovative strength was, is and will remain the driving force behind our industry. That's why you should send out a clear signal wherever the future of retail is at stake.

In its major special issue, LZ reports on current trends, innovative products and concepts. Take advantage of this appealing environment to convincingly market your innovations and present yourself as a strong partner to the trade.

It pays off. Because for 74% of LZ readers from the retail sector, ads arouse interest in the advertised product.
(LZ Leserbefragung 2022, IFAK Institut Taunusstein, Befragung der Hauptleser, Zielgruppe Handel). 

Your brand benefits from the high visibility of exciting topics, including:

Food trends in times of crisis
Back to discount and canned? Corona, war and disrupted supply chains are driving up spending. How much is the inflation shock shaping menu and shopping behavior, and for how long?

Food trends as reflected by retailers
Exciting results of a retail survey

Food trends in focus
What are the development prospects for the veggie alternatives that have been so successful? What role do alternative forms of protein production play against the backdrop of climate change and supply chain issues? Is regionality proving to be a crisis winner? Is e-commerce on its way to a decelerated future?

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Your media consultant:

Gabor Griego
Sales Director LZ MEDIEN
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