About LZ direkt

For your visibility among people at the POS


circulation actually
distributed monthly1


how long each issue
is read in minutes2

95 %

of EDEKA and REWE retail
stores receive LZ direkt3

Ø 7.4

Readers per copy4

(1) IVW, Q2/2024

(2) LZ direkt reader survey 2020, GIM Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung, Wiesbaden.

(3) LZ sales analysis, May 2021

(4) LZ direkt reader survey 2020, GIM Gesellschaft für Innovative Marktforschung, Wiesbaden. Readers per copy as estimated by respondents

The digital channels of LZ direkt


newsletter recipients each Tuesday1


Visits per month2


Social Media Follower3

85 %

of LZ direkt digital readers
have access to product orders4

(1) Recipient file, LZ direkt Newsletter, April 2024

(2) PIWIK Pro, evaluation sessions April 2024

(3) Follower of the LZ direkt social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, 06.05.2024

(4) LZ direkt Digital users survey 2021, retail target group, Karwath Marktforschung, Oldendorf