Specials: Independent shopkeepers

Independent shopkeepers

This LZ special on independent shopkeepers provides figures on the economic performance of independent shopkeepers in Germany as well as interviews with outstanding traders and portraits of exciting personalities. Do you want to reach retail decision-makers with your message? Then you've come to the right place!

The most important dates at a glance:

LZ 44/24
Special Issue:

Special: Independant Merchants


This is what the special issue of Lebensmittel Zeitung is all about:

  • Figures on the economic performance of independent retailers
  • Interviews with outstanding merchants
  • Portraits of exciting personalities
  • Reports from everyday life, clever ideas and concepts

LZ direkt Special: The favorite brands of independent shopkeepers:

  • Best practice: Which brands you can't do without.
  • Which brands are the absolute hits and what retailers appreciate about the manufacturers.
  • Survey among retailers: The favorite product & the best newcomer
  • Exciting brand promotion measures on the shop floor
  • New on the market: the new products from brand manufacturers

Our format recommendation:

Do you have questions or need further information?

Do not hesitate to contact me. I will be happy to advise you!

Your media consultant:

Gabor Griego
Sales Director LZ MEDIEN
Contact Form
