Top-Marke 2021: Top-Marke 2021

With the Top-Marke, Lebensmittel Zeitung awards the 100 most successful brands in the most important categories. Based on GfK figures and transparent criteria, this award is valid, high-quality and representative.

The 100 most successful brands of the year

What is special about this award is that it is based exclusively on hard, verifiable facts. The winner in the respective category is the product brand with the highest market share increase in percentage points with positive sales development and at least a constant number of buyers. In addition the products of the award-winning brands must have been on the market by 30 April 2019 at the latest and must have achieved a relevant market significance of one per cent buyer reach in 2019 and 2020. The combination of these criteria ensures that the Top Brand 2021 award evaluates a holistic brand performance.

The basis of the Top-Marke 2021 is the GfK Consumer Panel CP+ 2.0 FMCG, which includes 30,000 households. In the confectionery and cosmetics product groups, a panel of 40,000 individual buyers is also used. Altogether, this is the largest sample in consumer research, representing the 41 million private households in Germany. This panel is in turn the basis for the largest database that can be consulted for the Top-Marken 2021.

The award-winning brands are presented in:
Lebensmittel Zeitung #26 (ET: 02.07.2021)
LZ direkt #7 (ET: 01.07.2021)

You have questions or need more information?
Your contact:

Hilke Waas
Head of Market & Media Research
+49 69 7595-1957

We are happy to get in touch with you
#CONTACTFORM/ Fachverlag GmbH#

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