Product of the week: Product of the week

Product of the week

With the product of the week advertorial, you put your product in the focus of the trade. You combine the effectiveness of classic ads with the depth of content formats. Your product is the focus of all communication and is prominently integrated on all digital channels. You also provide retailers with all relevant information on your own article in the look and feel of the LZ.

Full attention on your product of the week:

  • Editorial-style, prominently placed news teaser on the homepage (7 days website integration)
  • Fixed integration in every article, prominent and attention-grabbing under "most read" (7 days website integration)
  • Additional traffic campaign in LZ look and feel in LZ newsletter and on (runtime 2 weeks)
  • Social media post & story on LinkedIn, Facebook & Instagram via Lebensmittel Zeitung's official social media channels
  • Price: 25,110 €

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Your media consultant:

Sven Wirth
Sales Director Digital
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